Nikki wears sweater by Moncler, hat by Neighborhood
STYLE 13.09.19
Photographer Fryd Frydendahl by @frydfrydendahl
Fashion Editor Louise Borchers by @l0uiseb0rchers
Liss (band) by @Liss
Søren Holm
Villads Tyrrestrup
Vilhelm Strange
Tobias Laust
Emma Acs / @emmacs
Klara Utke Acs / @act_utke
Hassan Hassan @ Unique models / @noowga
Magnus Willemoes @ Le Mangement / @suungam
Niki Pourahmad / @niki.tikki.taco
Fashion Assistant Sara Stephanie Katarzyna by @sarastephaniekatarzyna
There is perhaps nothing more liberating than the ability to successfully create amongst friends. From beginning thoughts to final fruition, there's intangible magic that pervades the project. With that being said, we're back again with our friends at Slam Jam, but this time we're keeping our circle tight.
Photographer Fryd Frydendahl digs deep in our third collaboration with the boutique brand where we hit the streets of Copenhagen to hone in on this close sense of comradery. Feeding off of the sense of individuality that exudes from Copenhagen youth, models seamlessly drape on the freshest fits and effortlessly make it their own as we rode around town. Observing the group like a fly on the wall, we capture the free-spirited sensation that bounced around without regulation.